Your one-stop shopping,


For Payments & Collections ;

**Payment first. Collection second. No payment, no order**

1. Meetup
Only at my convenience.
- Boonlay MRT
- Jurong Point
- Gekpoh
- Pioneer Sec
No other places.
Try to bring exact amount of money.
Tell me 3 hours beforehand to bring change.
Tell me 2 hours beforehand you can't make it or will be late.
Grace of 5 minutes only.
Subsequently, $1 for every next 5 mintues late.
Will only wait for 20 minutes maximum.
The next meetup will have to pay the late fee and additional $3 for wasting my time.

2. Bank Transfer (This is currently unavailable right now!)
Account number will be given if confirmed orders.
Inform me after transferring with reference number.
Make payment as told by date mentioned to you.
Transfer to the wrong account, not my problem.
Everything need shipping for like 3-4 weeks, so please be patient.